Advancing Your Career

Why Am I Looking for Another Job

Before you invest the time interviewing and money in purchasing one of our programs, we ask that you fully understand your motivations for wanting to leave your current role. Please consider the following questions:


Little room for advancement

How long have you been in your role?

Has anyone else with similar tenure and success advanced within the organization? Anyone with less success?

What expectations were set regarding timelines for advancement?


Difficult manager

Have you been open with your manager about items that trouble you?

When you presented these issues, did you deliver the message using kind candor? 

Has your manager made any effort to accommodate your needs? 


Can make more money elsewhere

What does the work-life balance look like in those more lucrative roles?

Are you financially comfortable with where you are right now?


The company does not align with your values

Is the company making decisions that put patients at risk of harm?

Are your values realistic for a business to uphold? 


You will not hit quota this year

Does your organization have a history of setting unrealistic quotas?

Could you have planned or executed better to avoid this outcome?

Do you anticipate losing a significant amount of business in the coming months?

Are you in a financial situation where you must make more immediately?


An exciting opportunity presented itself 

Will this option still be exciting in a year? Three years?

Will it provide me with sufficient income and work-life balance? 


You are bored with the work

Can you take on more responsibility?

Are there opportunities for advancement that would keep you engaged? 


After reflecting on these prompts, if you need to move on, we advise you not to rush into any major decision. Critically think and understand those needs you have for future employment. After determining where you want to direct your efforts, if you need any help, we have developed a few program options for you.