Breaking Into the Industry

Breaking down the medical device sales cycle – Stage Three: Trial

At this point in the sales cycle, you will be sharing your product with physicians and staff. Before attending your first case, you must in-service those who come in contact with your device. This type of presentation explains how your device is used, its clinical advantages, how to care for the product, and its available sizes.

Before beginning case coverage, setting expectations within the hospital is essential.

Ask the department manager what they are looking for from this trial before they can stock their shelves with your product. Once you fulfill the department manager’s expectations, you may then confidently request the initial stocking order.

Typically, the department manager will ask that several physicians advocate switching to your product. On some occasions, they’ll ask that you get every physician on board for the switch. To capture a physician’s support of your product, have them complete a trial form. This form is simply a brief survey where physicians provide their feedback.

Once you have the requested number of physicians advocating your product, leverage the set expectations and confidently ask, “When can I tell my Manager to expect the initial stocking order?”

Curious about the final stage of the sales cycle? Find out here:, or wait for our next post.