Breaking Into the Industry

First Medical Device Sales Job – Distributor or Manufacturer?

Is one option better than the other?

That depends on you. Only you know your financial obligations and what makes sense for your current situation. If you are open to either, consider Rep Coaching’s perspective:

If your ultimate goal is to break into medical device sales, getting industry experience is the most essential thing for you to accomplish.

Careers are marathons, not sprints.

It would be an anomaly if you landed your dream career in the first shot when you come from no industry experience. This doesn’t mean you will need to job-hop your whole career- but you will have to demonstrate your abilities before you can be highly selective in the specific job you want.

Many first jobs in medical device sales are with manufacturers as an Associate Rep/ Clinical Specialist / Jr. Rep. Another way to get into the industry is by working for a (potentially) less selective distributor. Typically you will have the opportunity to be a full-line rep right away with these companies.

While manufacturers typically pay more and offer benefits, some distributors provide comparable packages.


The Main Takeaway:

Open yourself up to as many medical device sales opportunities as possible. Many people are trying to break into the industry, and you will increase your odds of earning the job by being flexible and having a step-by-step plan. Need that plan? Here it is: