
What We Do

What is Rep Coaching?
Rep Coaching is a consulting company that helps people break into medical device sales and sustain success once in the industry.
I am already in medical device sales. Can Rep Coaching help me?
Absolutely. Rep Coaching is passionate about helping people find happiness in their work. Excluding “Breaking into the Industry,” all our programs are designed for active medical device reps.
Can anyone break into medical device sales?
Unfortunately, no. The medical device sales industry is incredibly difficult to break into and requires a highly thoughtful approach. The requirements of hiring managers vary significantly between companies, and candidates can be selected, or bypassed, for endless reasoning.
What can I do to become a top medical device sales rep candidate?
Successful candidates need to demonstrate that they understand the role they applied to and the medical device sales industry. Additionally, having previous business-to-business sales success will strengthen your chances.
I don’t have business-to-business sales experience. Can I still break into medical device sales?
While the answer is yes, it will be hard. Rep Coaching’s program, “Breaking into the Industry,” is designed to streamline the successful business-to-business sales reps’ path into medical device sales. If you have this experience, your path will be significantly easier.
Can Rep Coaching help me advance my career?
Yes. In fact, we are most passionate about this work. Not only can Rep Coaching share with you our proven interviewing strategies, but we also help you consider why you are looking to make a switch. Additionally, we dive into more specialized programming for those clients already in the industry.
What type of medical sales positions does Rep Coaching discuss?
Primarily, we focus on helping individuals in the disposable medical device space. We do not provide consulting strategies for orthopedic or pharmaceutical sales. We did not enter these spaces because helpful services already exist in the market.
Will Rep Coaching come out with more programming?
Yes, we will continue to provide programming as long as there is a demand from our clients. In 2023 we are introducing "Successful Territory Launch.” Please write us if you have a specific program you would like us to develop.

Who We Are

Why are there several options for each program?
Our company makes a concerted effort to be accessible to people with different financial situations. Most programs offer three learning experiences. The differentiation in pricing lends to the differentiation in costs that Rep Coaching takes on. For example, our Self-led Learning options are virtually hands-off opportunities in which Rep Coaching receives compensation. For this reason, we can extend our lowest pricing. Our Cohort-based Learning and Individualized Consulting options require a time investment from one of our consultants. We increase our fees for these options due to the expense associated with their time commitment.
What is meant by "all questions answered guarantee?"
We are committed to helping our clients achieve their professional goals. For this reason, Rep Coaching guarantees that within our Cohort-based Learning sessions, we do not set a time limit. Feel free to ask as many questions as needed during the virtual session.
What happens if I purchase a self-led program but wish to upgrade?
Rep Coaching will not punish our clients for wanting to work more closely with us. If you wish to upgrade to a cohort-based program or individualized consulting, please get in touch with us at upgrade@repcoaching.com.
What is value-based pricing?
Rep Coaching is committed to Transparency in Sales. That's why we offer you the first module of our Breaking into the Industry and Advancing Your Career programs for free- Because how can you trust the value we provide without seeing our work first? We extend this same transparency with our pricing. Instead of charging an arbitrary figure, we set our rates based on the value of the problems we're solving. For more information, click here.