Breaking Into the Industry

Overwhelmed Trying to Break Into Medical Device Sales?

If your goal is to break into medical device sales, figuring out how to do so may seem overwhelming. 

The first step in making a career change is UNDERSTANDING the field that you are getting into. Believe it or not, many salespeople share that they want to get into this medical device sales yet need to understand more about it.

Rep Coaching bridges the gap from interest to understanding. And it is this understanding that transforms applicants into top medical device sales candidates.

What is meant by UNDERSTANDING?

Understanding the industry – being able to communicate effectively about your future job responsibilities throughout the interviewing process

Understanding your specific goal – the message you will communicate throughout the interviewing process to hiring companies

Understanding which jobs to apply for – what are the job titles where I am a qualified candidate?

Understanding where to find those jobs – is there a specific website where I can find these jobs?

Understanding how to stand out in the interviewing process – what are good candidates doing to differentiate themselves

Understanding how to stand out before the interview – what are the TOP candidates doing to differentiate themselves

If your goal is to break into medical device sales, here’s how: