Breaking Into the Industry

What Are the Different Types of Medical Device Sales Employers?

Generally speaking, there are two- Distributors and Manufacturers.

How are they different?

DISTRIBUTORS do not make their own medical devices but serve as sales forces for those that do. You will represent several (or many) medical device manufacturers under your distribution company.

MANUFACTURERS make and sell their own products. As a rep, you will represent one company’s offering as a direct employee. You could be selling one device or a large variety of devices under your medical device manufacturer.

How are they compensated?

DISTRIBUTOR positions are often 1099 (independent contractor), which means you are compensated strictly on commission and not provided a salary or benefits. However, some companies offer a complete compensation package, making it easier to begin your career with their organization.

MANUFACTURER positions are typically W-2 and come with a salary, benefits, expense accounts, vehicle reimbursement, a 401k, etc. Rep roles are more challenging to obtain as they seek experienced industry sales veterans. Some companies may offer entry-level roles such as Associate Rep, Junior Rep, or Specialist. You will target these positions if you want to enter the industry. Learn more here: