Mastering Quota Attainment

Why Does Your Quota Surprise You?

If you’ve worked in sales, you may have come across the manager who shares the commonly accepted belief that all you need to do is “work hard, and your quota will take care of itself.”


This advice is a painfully lazy take on achieving success. Working hard is one variable in the equation at best. The most critical element is having an effective plan and putting it into action. 


Every year, sales professionals held to quota will receive an update on exactly where their organization wants them to perform. This happens like clockwork, no matter which industry you’re in or what company you work for, yet, many salespeople are shocked that their organization wants them to increase sales over the previous year. 


Working with medical device sales professionals who achieve consistent success, we find that they share one thing in common, they anticipate future quotas.  


And the incredible thing about these reps, they often report that they find themselves working less and believe they are making a more significant impact on their customers. 


You have more control over hitting your quota than you may realize. If you need help with quota attainment planning, you may find value in our Mastering Quota Attainment program.